At times, there comes a time when you need cash urgently and that may be for any purpose, say medical emergency, credit card payment, debt consolidation, education, advance salary etc. At the same time, you’re hesitant to ask your family or friends for the cash amount you need. Wondering what to do at such times? Is that thought bothering you? Anyways, there is nothing to be worried though. In such a case, we have platforms who offer you an instant cash loan for emergency purposes.
It’s pretty easy! You get instant cash in your bank account within 10mins to 2 hours post completion of the application process. The application process is extremely simple and quick. You just create an account doing social sign up, check your eligibility, complete KYC and upload the documents.
InstaMoney, a leading peer-to-peer lending platform, which provides instant loans for multiple purposes. The go-to platform for you to avail instant personal loans. The platform offers you quick loans at an interest rate ranging between 0% (for no cost EMI finance) to 3% (maximum) per month for a tenure of 3-5 months. The loan amount offered under the category ranges between Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 10,000 and is applicable for people without any default/write-off in the past. Since InstaMoney does not require any credit history, it is a more accessible route for an instant personal loan than banks. With over 2.5 million downloads, InstaMoney is one of the best instant personal loan mobile applications available on Google Play.
You can download the application and avail the loan instantly for whatever might be your reason.